Sweet Victory Products are back with Daniel, to follow his progress as he embarks on his 5 week DAFNE course. Read about his third week below.
I can’t believe that the 3rd session of my time on the DAFNE course has come to an end. I have learnt so much. We all have!
The DAFNE Educators (made up of a Diabetes Specialist Nurse and a Dietician) are excellent at delivering a lot of complex information and teaching new skills in such a way that the learning is incremental and doesn’t seem overly stressful.
Last week we were asked to put together our new carbohydrate counting skills and, using a specific ratio and calculation, administer the appropriate dose of insulin. Along with recording this information in a diary, we were also asked to record our blood glucose levels. We would then take our diaries back and would take it in turns to review our week with the DAFNE Educators and our peers.
I have to admit, I was nervous. Nervous on the same level as presenting work to my teacher at high school. Nervous on the same level as presenting work to a crowd of thousands! It turned out I had no need to worry and neither did anyone else. With equal supportive comments and recommendations for better control or improvements to insulin doses, the DAFNE team gave their feedback thoughtfully and in a way that made us feel that we had all achieved so much already and were on the right track to once again feel ‘in charge’ of our bodies.
On a lighter note, we were told that at the end of the course, we would officially ‘graduate’ and be given access to even more information and support. With this in mind, someone made the comment that we would officially be ‘qualified diabetics’!
Next week, we will be getting the results of our average blood glucose levels (known as Hba1c results) along with results of other tests. With the help of the DAFNE team and a Consultant from the hospital, we will review these results, their importance and significance to us, in order that we become more aware of the results of good or improved control of our diabetes.
If there is one thing I can say at this stage is that for the first time in a long time, I feel in control. I know what’s happened to my body, what’s happening and how I can live and make the right lifestyle choices in order that diabetes lives with me and that I don’t live with it. For me, living with diabetes for so long and then to recently be told I also have coeliac disease was hard to swallow.
Now, with new knowledge and having the opportunity to talk face-to-face with other people in a similar situation (both on the course and through social media!) I’m on the road to better health.
Thank you for taking the time, each week, to read this blog and share in my journey. I look forward to sharing the next two weeks with you. Don’t forget to check out my Instagram: coeliacanddiabetic and on Facebook: Coeliac and DiabeticUK
Photos belong to Daniel – (The author of this guest post.)
Sweet Victory Products will continue to follow Daniel as he embarks on his 5 week course. Come back next week to find out more. If you can’t wait until then follow him on his social media.
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