There is so much confusion in this area, in our experience it is not around sugar free, the concern has been more around the consumption of sweeteners, many are questioning its safety and effectiveness, sweetener use as controversial as it has been was should never be intended as a dieting product but rather as a better alternative to added sugar.
According to the [1] World Health Organisation and other sources there has been a concern around high sugar consumption and its impact concerning overall health, these reports have not deterred the consumption of high sugar products, this has to lead the political debate on sugar that had resulted in the Sugar Tax as a reaction to this issue, the results in continued high sugar consumption from the sugar tax is to be determined in the future.
What we do know is that the sales of Sugar-Free products and Sweetener based Sugar-Free products have increased, the general overall attitude is changing that would encourage people to accommodate Sugar-Free products to encourage the reduction of high sugar diets, in spite of general concerns over food safety of sweeteners.
It is been reported by Mintel “More than half (52%) of Brits say that low sugar content is important when looking for healthy foods,” [2] this shows that people are making an educated effort when it comes to healthy eating, the benefits of looking for sugar free alternatives would mean that having sugar free confectionary and other sugar free products would be a healthier choice, as most people struggle when they have unhealthy diets, we can enjoy confectionary but with the benefits of being Sugar-Free.
At Sweet Victory Products Ltd, we often come across diabetics, as a result of their diabetes find it a struggle to maintain health, what is even more concerning due to poor diet, generally a large number of products consumers buy contain high amounts of sugar, generally sweeteners are frond upon because of its laxative effect, feedback from sweetener based foods had resulted in some very creative but comical descriptions by people have purchased Sugar-Free sweets on sites like Amazon.
There is also a video related to the Haribo Sugar-Free Gummies on YouTube.
At Sweet Victory Products Ltd, the products we sell contain high quality ingredients, so good that we have tested them on various people who report that they could not distinguish between products that contain sugar, with the products we have tested among the people the feedback was that they were surprised that sugar free alternatives can taste as good as products that contain sugar or better.